Shooting star

never wanted this;
It’s funny how we crave change,

Wish for it on a shooting star,
And when it finally comes,

We find excuses to make it worse,
Make it harder because we can’t accept it,

Not yet,
Not before we’re ready.

Why make things harder when we don’t have to?
Why make it complicated when it could be simple,

Simple is ignoring the change,
Letting the opportunity come and go,

As quickly as the star,
And that’s how most people live,

Some fear the changes they dream about,

While others climb mountains,
If only to get a better glimpse of the stars they wish to be a part of.

I never wanted this;
But it’s time to rise,

The sky is so much more beautiful from the top…

You deserve to be happy ~

Most people have this twisted idea that they don’t deserve or are not worthy of happiness. They may have guilts about their past, and feel that they deserve to be punished everyday.
If you don’t feel you are worthy of happiness, then it is time for a change of perspective.

Give yourself an opportunity to find your happy place.
I know its really hard to keep a happy face in times of trials, but we have to try our best to stay happy and positive.
Sometimes, we consciously choose to be unhappy. This probably might be a result of our past. I think you need to take a harder look at your life, in order to find out what stops you from putting a smile on that face. A real smile of course, not a mask.

Happiness is not determined by what is HAPPENING AROUND YOU. But rather, it is determined by what is HAPPENING INSIDE YOU.
Most times, we depend on “things” to gain happiness. We look at our condition and then allow it to determine our happiness. That isn’t how life is supposed to be lived.
When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the “right things” a chance to catch hold of you.

The longer you keep living with those fears, the longer you are going to stay unhappy.
We ARE going to make many mistakes along the way, but the fact that we have the courage to push through, shows that we deserve to be happy. Happiness is something we are born with. It is a natural emotion, you don’t have to earn it in anyway.
Besides, being sad almost on a daily basis, is like living a slow and a painful death, so why be unhappy when you have an option not to?

Yes, there is nothing wrong in expressing different emotions, but do not get tied down to the negative ones. Besides, who would be benefited if you were to remain unhappy?
We can lose the most precious thing of ours and still remain happy, because it’s completely up to us whether to crib about something we’ve lost or to simply let go of the thought itself.